Thriving businesses across the US use Payro to fuel their growth, tide through cash gaps, and make payday a happy day — for everyone

customer store


Who we serve



Industrial, aerospace, chemical, clothing, jewelry etc.



Medical practices, homecare, hospice, & more.

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Civil engineering, construction, painting, plumbing, electric, & more

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Education, healthcare, hospice, & more


Restaurants & Food

Food services or catering businesses including food-service contractors.

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Schools, religious facilities, arenas, beauty services, & more

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Customer stories

How we helped growing businesses across the US rapidly access $100M+ in funding

Out of respect for customer privacy, we have redacted business names.
purpal-bg-health-icon Healthcare

How a behavioral health clinic with 100+ employees funded a 2-month system overhaul

We were overhauling our systems, and needed to switch our bank and billing systems. That delayed our payments, and totally out of left field….

Behavioral Health Clinic
Established 2005
$850,000 payroll
No other funding needed
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purpal-bg-transportation-icon Transportation

With ports shuttered and drivers threatening to protest, could Payro help this transportation company weather the storm?

Covid-19 shut our ports and clogged our system — we weren’t able to receive and transport shipments, which meant payments were delayed. Our fleet of truckers were already on edge with frustrations…

Logistics & shipping company
Established in 2018
$100,000 loan for 3 weeks
$3-4M monthly revenue
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purpal-bg-food-service-icon Food service

How a large food manufacturing company financed a significant expansion without impacting payroll, or reducing profits

When we expanded and needed to revamp our equipment, we didn’t break a sweat, knowing that we had the perfect contingency strategy in place.

Food manufacturer
Established in 2013
$50,000 partial payroll loan
200+ employees on payroll
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Every business needs a safety net for when cash is low.

Make Payro yours
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