3-min read Jun 10, 2022

How Beauty Salons Can Benefit From Payroll Financing

How Beauty Salons Can Benefit From Payroll Financing

Beauty salons of all kinds can be extremely lucrative businesses. If you are located in an area with a relatively high population density or daily foot traffic, you can easily bring in substantial profits with a hair salon, nail salon, or a more general beauty parlor. However, this does not mean that every beauty salon will be a money-making machine all year, every year. There will be times when business slows down and this can quickly result in cash flow issues.

Why Beauty Salons Struggle With Cash Flow Problems

Unlike many other businesses within the service industry, beauty salons do not usually have to worry about seasonal fluctuation. Most people want to get their hair done or get some beauty treatments throughout the year, with many people sticking to their favorite salons and becoming regular weekly or monthly customers. So, if you are marketing your business well and providing high-quality service, you shouldn’t run into cash flow problems very often.

That said, a beauty salon has to have a full supply of beauty products and equipment at all times. These costs come on top of real estate and labor (your employees). Overhead expenses for beauty salons can get pretty high, especially if you offer a wide range of services to your customers. When you have high expenses, even a few cancellations or a “slow week” could put you in a cash crunch.

Moreover, while some employees might be paid based on the number of customers they personally serve, others may have a more standardized salary. For example, you may need a receptionist to manage appointments, greet customers, and answer phone calls. This employee will expect a paycheck on their scheduled payday, regardless of the number of bookings your business confirms in a given time period.

What Payroll Financing Can Do For Your Beauty Salon

When you have cash flow problems, one of your first concerns will be how to maintain your staff and get them paid on time. Fortunately, payroll funding functions much like a small business loan. You get a quick influx of cash without having to go through all of the complicated hoops of a traditional business loan application. Instead, you can get your cash now and repay it on your own schedule.

The flexible payment schedule of payroll financing is one of its primary benefits. Rather than being locked into paying a certain amount of interest, you only have to pay interest for as long as you keep the money. In other words, you can pay back the loan as soon as work picks up and your business is liquid again.

Instead of trying to qualify for a rigid, high-interest business loan or going to a predatory lender, you should consider all of the benefits of working with a payroll financing company. In addition to low rates and flexible payment terms, you can get it without needing to meet the unnecessarily high standards set by most major lending institutions. This way you can keep your beauty salon up and running without having to delay any payments to your employees.

Cash flow issues may affect many beauty salons, but it doesn’t have to be the case for your business. If your organization requires a small business loan for payroll to operate efficiently, call Payro Finance today to see how we can help.

Morris Reichman


Morris Reichman is the founder and CEO of Payro Finance. Former Vice President at Infinity Capital Funding an alternative finance company, Morris possesses a versatile background in the finance industry. Having spent 7+ years working across global macro operations and start up corporate finance Morris's expertise is in business accounting, risk management and investment analysis. Morris founded Payro Finance to support business owners and ensure their business continuity.

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